Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Have You Heard Of Instant Banner Creator?

Linda here again with a great new Free tool to help you
create awesome Banners, Splash Pages etc.

I was just surfing the net when I came across this cool
New Free Tool and I thought maybe you could
benefit from as well.
It's called Instant Banner Creator and it's the easiest
and most effective tool I have ever used to create great
looking banners and other cool graphics.

Designing graphics that rock is time-consuming even if you
have the talent, and let's face it, most of us don't.
And today, if your site doesn't have laser-sharp bold graphics,
it's not going to get your prospects' attention.

Instant Banner Creator just cured all your graphics headaches.
Creating these graphics can't be made any easier.
You point... you click... you are done! You don't have to know
Photoshop, Flash, or anything more complicated than operating
a web browser to design high-performing banners, buttons,
headers etc.

And here's the kicker...

Instant Banner Creator is free to join, and they even host you images
for you. Be sure to grab your free membership today!

Click here to get it for Free

Have a great day,

Linda Eisenbeis

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've created a large free advertising promo code list HERE I will be updating it daily.

Blake McKibben