Saturday, December 27, 2008

Another Great Way To Generate Free Targeted Website Traffic ......

If you have a website or you promote someone else's' website as an affiliate, you need to drive traffic to it.

Without traffic, you won't get visitors. And without visitors, you won't make money, sales, get subscribers, etc. What good is a website without any traffic? And if the site is getting traffic, what good is it if it's not targeted traffic?

There are many ways to drive traffic to your site, both free and paid. But we are not going to talk about paid traffic right now. That is a totally different topic and could take hours to cover.

So, back to free traffic. Some ways of getting free traffic to your site is by Search Engine Optimization, surfing for traffic, or getting it passively.

SEO takes time and a lot of work. When you join sites that are surf for traffic sites, you have to look at other members' sites in order to earn advertising credits for your site to be displayed when another member is surfing.

The only problem with this is that although the traffic is free, it is not targeted. Everyone who is a member only surfs for the credit and very rarely even looks at the site, they just minimize their window on their PC and multi-task. So, the traffic is crap and worthless.

Now, let's talk about the best way to get free targeted traffic. It's called Instant Buzz. Instant Buzz is a service that gives you advertising credits as you surf the web like you normally would. What you do is download the toolbar for free, it only takes a minute. Then, you set up your ads in the members area. And bam, you ads are being displayed on other members' tool bars as they surf.

You can also put Instant Buzz ads in emails that you send to your friends. These are called mail space ads. And your ad will get displayed in other members' emails. The last thing you can do is put a hyperspace ad on your website which will help you refer other members.

When you refer other members, you will also get a percentage of the credits they earn which will go towards your ad credits.

If someone likes your ad and is interested in what it says, then they click on it and end up on whatever site it was that you were promoting. Now that's targeted traffic! And it was free.

So make sure you visit the link in the resource box to start driving targeted and quality traffic to your website today. It will only take you a couple of minutes to start bringing visitors to your site.

Resource Box Text:
To download this free tool or get more information about Instant Buzz,

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Free Safelist Promo Codes...

FREE Safelist Promo Codes! Grab you Free Promo
and Get Tons of FREE Traffic to Your Site Today!

Using Free Promo Codes for placing Contact Solo Ads is one of my
favorite types of Free advertising. I have seen great results in my
advertising efforts from using some of the free to very low cost
but effective ways to grow my downline and build my primary
business. I am using Free Promo Codes for placing contact Solo
ads on Safelists and I'm using List Builders and Ad Exchanges.
What's great about using this type of online advertising is that it
works for any type of work at home or affiliate niche, in fact it
has brought very interested prospects and sign-ups into my
business on a daily basis.
Therefor as a result of this type of marketing I am able to send
my offer to other interested prospects and I no longer have to
approach strangers in grocery stores, or bug my family and
friends about my business. Now, after just a short time of using
this kind of advertising I already have people from all over the
world looking at my business, lining up to join daily. The process
of sending your emails to the Safelists, List Builders and Ad
Exchanges will allow you to receive emails from thousands of
people daily ,and these people actually register to be on that
specific list at the same time. In addition to that you must
read ads submitted by other home business owners
(such as yourself) in order for this kind of exchange to work
and for you to be able to earn credits. Once you have enough
credits built up (or you can purchase credits for next to nothing)
you can send a solo ad to the other members of the safelist or
ad exchange, then you can place banners or text links for your
program and more. Safelists and ad exchanges are very
similar in how they operate. You will quickly understand how
they work as they are very easy so dive right in......

Secrets to Having Success with
Safelists and Ad Exchanges... Here Are Some Tips
And A Few Tricks To Help You Get Started...

1. Begin by setting up 2 gmail accounts.....
The first one will be your contact email address. This is the
address that the safelist and ad exchange will use to contact
The second address,which will be your list address...this is
the one for the many messages you will receive from the
other Safelist submitters.Yahoo and Hotmail accounts should
not be used and probably are not allowed with most Safelists
and Ad exchanges due to their stick spam filtering. Therefor
it is suggested that Gmail should be used as the email provider
for your email accounts because they have a huge amount of
storage space and have not been restricted by the exchange

2. Be sure and read all contact "solo" ads first,
as they are really worth a lot more credits. You just read the
solo ad and click the link inside to earn credits, and that's it.
Now You are ready to send your ad out to more people because
you have just earned more credits to your account. Each Safelist
and Ad exchange will allow you to trade credits for solo ads and
banner impressions etc..... Now that's a pretty awesome deal !.


3. Next you will need to be aware of the number of members
the Safelists have. Rule of thumb is the more members in the
group the more you can send your ads to. One of the common
mistakes is looking for safelists and traffic exchanges that have
the largest amount of members. Assuming your goal is to try
and expose your ads to as many people as possible. That's great,
however, remember that the size of the membership does not
determine how many people see your ads. The reason list size
doesn't matter is because some programs have more active users
than others. By active, I mean that these are the users that are
actually using the website and viewing the advertisements. For
example, you could have two traffic exchanges, one with 6,000
members and the other with 4,000 members. The numbers are
deceiving because the traffic exchange with 4,000 members
might have more active members who are actually surfing.

4. Now your ready to get started so go ahead and grab my
FREE Safelist Promo Codes below and enter them in the
advertising section but be sure and wait until they have at least
500 people in the group before you decide to use your solo ads
and banner impressions (this is so you are getting the most
exposure possible)!

5. Last but not least, be extremely ORGANIZED! I cannot
tell you how much time I have waisted doing things the hard way
because I did not take the time to get organized right from the
beginning. Start with adding your Safelist login page to your
"add favorites" of your web browser. If you are familiar with
Microsoft Excel, you can set up a spreadsheet with the safelist/
ad exchange name, your login, your password, date last sent ,
date next send to occur and your referral/log in link. You will be
able to manage all of your safelist and ad exchanges much better
if you just take these steps to get organized.
In addition to being very organized you also have to be
Without consistency you cannot be successful
in the Internet Marketing Business. If you have the option to
submit ads on certain safe lists and ad exchanges on a daily basis
then be sure to take action Every Day because the more exposure
you get the better your odds at Internet Marketing Success!

Free Safelist Promo Codes

Friday, November 21, 2008

Next Grab Your Promo Codes and Get Started!

Redeem my FREE PROMO CODES here
and use the Free Credits from those codes
to send out your FREE SOLO ADS !

That will enable you to build your LIST so you can promote Your Product or OPPORTUNITY with your Downline.

1. Sign-up for free,
2. Verify your account,
3. Log-in, click on "Advertising",
4. Enter the promo code,
5. Set-up your advertising,
6. Send you contact Solo Ad. It's just that simple!

Traffic Speedway
1 SoloAd
5000 Points
3 Banners w/ 3000 Imps
3 Traffic Links With 100 Views
Promo code: JVPromo

IM Text Ad Exchange
pro upgrade
2 Solo Ads2000 points
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 50views
Promo code: Imlast250

Zoned for Traffic

25,000 points
2 Solo Ads
1 Banner w/ 2000 imps
2 Traffic Links w/ 50 views
1 Login Ad w/ 100 Views
1 Navigation Link
Promo code: zoned
7500 Credits
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 500 views
Promo code: 1000

My Traffic Builder
1 SoloAd
1 Banner w/ 1000 Imps
1 Traffic Links With 100 Views
Promo code: joinmtb

The Text Ad Exchange
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
1 traffic link w/ 100 views
Promo code: StarterPack

2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: joinme

Clix 4 Profits
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/1000 Imps
3 traffic links w/1000 views
Promo code: fastmover

Dee's Ad Exchange
25,000 Points
4 Solo Ads
1 banners w/2000 imps
4 traffic links w/ 50 views
Promo code: thankyou

My Traffic Ace
25000 Points
2 Solo Ads
Promo code: Miracle

Maxed Ads Exchange
10 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: maxedads

Fasttrack Ads
2 Solo Ads
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: freebie
Bonus - join from here and get 35,000 Points!
Promo code: jeremy

Ads N Traffic
10000 points
5 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 2000 imps
Promo code: ProUpgrade

SunnEagle's Ad Exchange
50,000 Points
4 Solo Ads
1 Banner w/2000 imps
4 Traffic Links w/ 50 views
1 Login Ad with 100 Views
1 Navigation Link
Promo code: HUGE

Amazing Ads Network

10 Solo Ads
5 banners/w 1000 imps
Promo code: amazing

S.L.A.M Traffic
1 SoloAd
1 banners w/ 1,000 imps
1 traffic link w/ 50 views
Promo code: NEW
BONUS 50000

Responsive Traffic
pro upgrade
1 Solo Ad
4 banners w/ 500 imps
1 traffic link w/ 50 views
Promo code: wowwza

Peak Hour Traffic
1000 points
2 Solo Ads
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: yippee
Bonus - join from here and get 35,000 Points!
Promo code: jeremy

Phoenix Ad Exchange
5000 points
5 Solo Ads
4 banner w/ 500 imps
Send support request with: RC 01 in the subject.

Turbo Traffic Builder
5000 points
2 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: 500wohoo

Secret Treasures 4 All
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 2000 imps
Promo code: yourtreasure

Cause I Can
5000 points
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 500 imps
Promo code: promo1

Sin City Hitz 24-7
4 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: newmember

Driving Traffic 2 U
2 Solo Ads
1 banner w/ 2000 imps
1 traffic link w/ 50 views
Promo code: newmember

Iron Man Ad Exchange
2 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
4000 points
Promo code: MakeMoney

Lighthouse Station
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
3 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo code: safeharbor

Top Score Traffic
75,000 points!
Trade for solos or whatever you like.
( Up to 50 solos, not included in count above. )

Promo code: waynesworld

1 Solo Ad
10 banners w/ 1000 imps
10 traffic links w/ 200 views
Promo code: protraffic

Read My Ads
5 Solo Ads
500 points
5 banners w/ 500 imps
Promo code: sbbezine

3 Solo Ads
4 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code in members area

Ambulance Traffic
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 2000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo code: 911

Traffic Cruiser
2 solo ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 50 views
Promo code: jeremy

Alpha Ad Group
4 Solo Ads
4 banners w/500 imps
4 traffic links w/50 views
Promo code: wolfden

8 Solo Ads
4 banners w/ 1200 imps
5 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo code: exposed

Dragons Fire Ad Exchange
7 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
5 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo code: Dragon

Enterprise Ad Exchange
50,000 points
5 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: Youngs Crew
Plus, use the regular promo code: Beam Me Up
for and additional
50,000 points
4 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps

Carpenters Text Ads
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
3 traffic links w/ 50 views
Promo code: Skillsaw
Bonus! 5 Solo ads
5 Banners
5 Traffic Links

Promo Code:

Eagle Wok Ads
1000 points
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 50 views
Promo code: getstarted

My Traffic Planet
3000 points
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: newmember

Attract Hits Ad Exchange
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/1000 imps
3000 points
Promo code: buzzzz

Nebula Ad Exchange
10,000 credits
4 Solo Ads
4 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: starstruck

On Fire Ad Exchange
5 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: upspec

Barking Dog Ad Exchange
5000 points
10 Solo Ads
10 banners w/ 100 imps
Promo code: thedog

Pro - All Star Ad X
5 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
No code, just verify your email and admin adds your ads.

4 Traffic Now
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 500 imps
1 trafic link w/ 50 views
Promo code: probonus

Ad Antics Ad Exchange
1 Solo Ad
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: newmember

Quick Response
2000 points
20 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: quicker

Reflections Ad Exchange
5 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
1500 points
Promo code: sting

Happy Go Lucky Ads
4 Solo Ads
4 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: GRAND

Virginia Victory Pro Ads
pro upgrade
1500 points
8 Solo Ads
8 banners w/ 1000 imps
5 traffic links w/ 50 views
Promo code: Victory

Insane Hits For You
10,000 points
4 Solo Ads
4 banners w/ 1000 imps
1 traffic link w/ 500 views
Promo code: new patient

Sweet Hits 4 U
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: dream

Bonus! 50000 points
And 1 solo ad!
Promo Code:


Grand Slam Traffic
1 Solo Ad
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo code: grandslamhitter

People to People Ad Exchange
5 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
1000 points
Promo code: newmember

World Wide Ad Exchange
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
Request new member ads from support

Share and Share Alike Ad Exchange
3000 points
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: winit

Real Time Traffic
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
1 traffic link w/ 100 views
2000 points
Promo code: Free
Plus gain 1000 points w/ promo code: Young

Sizzling Text Ads
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 1000 imps

1 traffic link w/ 100 views
Promo code: next100

Cash-Creators Ad Exchange
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
1000 points
Promo code: Welcome Aboard

God's Country Ad Exchange
10 Solo Ads
10 Banners w/ 1000 imps
free pro upgrade to 1st 100
Promo code: god bless

Crystal Ball
pro upgrade
3 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: future

Golden Gate Text Ad Exchange
10 Solo Ads
10 banners w/ 1000 imps
10 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo Code: Gold Rush

Marketers Know How
pro upgrade
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
1 traffic link w/ 100 views
Promo code: freepro750
3 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/200 views
Promo code: Elitepromopackage

Outer World Ad Exchange
2 Solo Ads
6 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: sbb
3000 points
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: winit

1500 points
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
Request new member ads from support.

Saturn Ad Exchange
3 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000
Promo code: saturn

4 Viral List Building Now
1 Solo Ad
2 banners w/ 500 imps
1 traffic link w/ 50 views
Promo code: probonus
1 Solo Ads
3 banner w/ 666 imps
2 traffic link w/ 66 views
Promo code: relaunch

LeadPro Ad Club
5000 points
15 Solo Ads
10 banners w/1000 imps
contact support with: JYoung

EZ Traffic Ads
4 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 2000 imps
3 traffic links w/ 250 views
Promo code: protraffic

Call Of The Wild
pro upgrade
2 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: wolfpack

I Earn Ads Free
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/1000 imps
Promo code: iamnew

Total Text Ads
pro upgrade 1st 300
5 easy to find codes =
1 Solo Ad
4 traffic links w/ 100 views
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
1 Solo Ad
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 50 views
Promo code: newmem

Clear-Cut Ad Exchange
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2000 credits
Promo code: newbie

MLM Express Ads
Free lifetime pro upgrade
(5000 points per month)
1st 300 only!
Promo code: upgrade me

Infinite Ads 2 Profit
50,000 points
5 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 2000 imps
Promo code: ProUpgrade

Huge Hits 2 U
3 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
5000 points
Promo code: new member

Fasttrac Traffic Builder
5 Solo Ads
5000 points
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
5 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo Code: SpecialProUpgrade

Post It Ad Exchange
pro upgrade 1st 300
2000 points
5 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code in members area

Post and Jackpot
2 Solo Ads
1 banner w/ 500 imps
Promo code: jackpotfree

Full Moon Ad Exchange
3 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: MOON

Stonehenge Ad Exchange
3000 points
5 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: newmember

Canyon Country Text Ads
10 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: timeless

Loving Rascal
2 Solo Ads
2 banners w/ 1000 imps
2000 points
Promo code: newmember

Jaguar MEGA Mail
5 Solo Ads
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: jaguar

BlueBlueRobo's Ads
pro upgrade
3 Solo Ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
Upgrades are automatic. no code required.

Golden Nugget Text Ads
5 Solo Ads
5000 Points
5 banners w/ 1000 imps
5 traffic links w/ 100 views
Promo Code: 24Karat

Twilight Text Adz
2 Solo Ads
4 banners w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: sundown

Mad Ad Exchange
3 Solo Ads
10 bannersw/1000 imps
Promo code: mad

2 Dollar Ads
500 points
1 Solo Ad
1 banner w/ 1000 imps
Promo code: 2bucksnew

Mega Text Ads
1 SoloAd
2 banners w/5000 imps
2 traffic links with 1000 views
Signup, log in and visit "Advertising".
Promo code: jeremy
Then find promo codes all over the site too!

1 SoloAd
2 banners w/ 5000 imps
2 traffic links w/1000 views
Promo code: jeremy

Top Secret Traffic
1 SoloAd
5000 Points
3 Banners w/3000 Imps
3 Traffic Links w/100 Views
Promo code: JVPromo

Mega Traffic
20,000 points
4 solo ads
11 banners w/1000 imps
Promo code: newmember
Promo code: Traffic Jam

Value Added Ad$
1 SoloAd
2 banners w/5000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 1000 views each
Promo code: jeremy

Mammoth Text Ads
1000 points
1 Solo Ad
5 Banner Ads w/ 1000 imps
3 Traffic Link w/ 50 views
Promo code: mammoth

Text Ad World
1000 points
1 SoloAd
2 banners w/ 1,000 imps
Promo code: NewOffer!

Generalen DLB
2 Solo Ads
25000 points
Promo code: Miracle
Promo Code:
2 Solo Ads
25000 points
Promo code: Miracle

Promo Code: new77

Maximum Profits
1 SoloAd
1 Traffic link w/ 200 views
2 Banners w/2000 imps
Promo code: maximum

Elphant Ad
2 banners with 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 100 views/each
Promo code: Elephantad

The Traffic Station
2000 points.
1 SoloAd
2 banner ads w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links with 50 views
Then insert this code: jerem

Solo Ads Only
2000 points
2 solo ads
3 banners w/ 1000 imps
2 traffic links w/ 5o views.
Promo code: freeads

Viral Ad Machine
Free Pro Memership
500 points
Promo code: pro1500

My Power Ads
Free Pro
6 solo ad,
10 banners
7 traffic links
Promo Code: